Thursday, June 11, 2009

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Too many people

So it seems like everyone I know is having babies NOW. It's pretty funny because a few years ago it would seem that I didn't know anyone having a baby... and now that I am seemingly all consumed by that thought everyone I know is popping...
My manger's wife, my friend from the hotel, my cousin, two of my friends from college, my pastor's daughter, my little sister's friend... and many many more! It's everywhere.. and everywhere I go it's talked about or discussed or mentioned! I can't seem to get away from it! :(

Still have my friend with me...

So I still have my AF.. not to happy but am working through it. My husband has been really supportive and is always there for me, which makes it easier for me, but also more emotional! When he is super sweet or understanding and tries to make me laugh, it just makes me more aware of what a great Dad he will be one day! I can't wait.... he will be amazing!!

Previously I had been obsessed with "Jon and Kate plus eight" but I recently saw the show last night and have lost my obssession... I think it's because kate seems to take for granted how many adorable healthy children she has... and they are all so sweet and caring... they say the most adorable things and I just think she doesn't even notice anymore because of being so concerned with the show and her appearance. I don't want to dump on them at all.. I still like the show and love watching the kids, but I feel that special bond she used to seem to have with the kids is not as evident when watching the newest shows....
Anyways... just thought I would share that! lol

Thursday, June 4, 2009

My hubby on our day at the beach a few weeks ago... he's a cutie :)